teaching nadi shodhana 2.jpg

“The breath is a wonder drug.”

- TKV Desikachar

Welcome to Day 8!

108 Breaths to Freedom

Today is Day 8 of your 8 day 108 Breaths to Freedom challenge. The last day! You’re so ready to make this your regular practice! Today, we’ll do another practice that focuses on balance using a new technique and I’ll talk about how to continue to incorporate pranayama into your life. For this practice you will need:

21 Minutes of uninterrupted time to focus & practice
A comfortable place to sit, either on the floor or in a chair


Click the link below, do the exercise, and then come back and take a few moments to reflect on your experience using the reflection questions below. If you can take a few moments before pranayama practice to practice some breath centric movement. This will help you find a full breath to practice with.

Day 8 Reflection Questions: What was your most noticeable insight/experience during this challenge? What do you want to keep practicing/exploring beyond this challenge? What would you like to learn more about?

Private Yoga Lesson Vermont
Thank you for offering this class. The breath...its everything right!? connection, energy, awareness. It’s simply powerful—and the basis for all. And in my heart I feel it’s one of the most important things one can do to help create a kinder, more loving world community.
— 108 Breaths Challenge participant