“We often forget that we are nature...So when we say that we have lost our connection with nature, we’ve lost our connection with ourselves.”
Have you ever noticed how, as a culture, we have a paradigm of nature as separate, as outside—and we live inside and only connect with nature sometimes when we are “taking a break” or “relaxing”? We now live by following cycles of production rather than the cycles of seasons and daytime/nighttime—we assume that these forces don’t influence our lives and our health.
The truth is that, because we are made up of and feed ourselves with all of the stuff that is nature, all of our anatomical, physiological and neurological systems are designed by these forces to flex and adapt, to give and receive, to stay in homeostasis. When we get so far off course from the forces of nature that govern the universe, we are out of balance and our health becomes vulnerable. The worldwide epidemics of chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and other stress-induced health challenges are evidence of this.
Like every species of flora and fauna, we each have our own unique constitutions and evolutions through life. Ayurveda recognizes this and invites you to pay attention to how you respond to the forces of the universe and to find your own rhythms and practices to be your healthiest.
Seasonal change, work stress, family uncertainty, and aging are all fluctuations that can create health challenges such as:
weight changes,
chronic pain, and
When there is dis-ease and illness, Ayurveda is a paradigm of identifying and dissolving root causes to restore a natural sense of well being.
Ayurveda, translated from Sanskrit, as “the Science of Life”, is one of the oldest documented health care systems in the world. Ayurveda is grounded in the principle that all things are interdependent and subject to the same forces of nature. That means, that even by making subtle changes to our daily habits, we can create more harmony within ourselves and the world around us. It’s a paradigm of relationship and reciprocity. When we bring ourselves back into balance with the forces of nature we balance our own inner forces and we can heal ourselves.
“One who is established in self, who has balanced doshas (primary life force), balanced agni (fire of digestion), properly formed dhatus (tissues), proper elimination of malas (bodily waste), well-functioning bodily processes, and whose mind, soul, and senses are full of bliss is called a healthy person.
Following the principles of Ayurveda supports your own healing power. That includes:
Daily and Seasonal self-care practices
Lifestyle changes
Food adaptations
Inexpensive herbs
Mindfulness practices
Ayurveda is a prevention-focused health care system that puts your health and wellbeing in your hands and empowers you to adapt your practices to support your changing needs.
How Can I Help You?
I offer Ayurvedic health consultations and follow up sessions. These consulations are an in-depth holistic approach to well-being. They provides guidance, practices, and tools to reduce stress and live a vibrant and healthy lifestyle.
In a consultation I can work with you to:
Identify and remove the root cause rather than fixing symptoms
Align your lifestyle to balance acute and chronic health conditions
Live in rhythm with the seasons as well as your stage of life
During a consultation we will explore your health history in detail and discuss your concerns and goals to determine your body‘s constitutional type and any imbalances that may be causing discomfort and other symptoms.
Based on your unique constitution and current state, I create a personalized wellness plan designed specifically for you, which can include: food and lifestyle changes, herbal recommendations, yoga therapy, pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, and daily self care practices. We can have additional follow up sessions to adapt the wellness plan as you heal and grow!
If you want to learn more before signing up, give me a call!